⚠️Solange Knowles's son Julez Smith sex tape leak

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   Solange Knowles's son Julez Smith sex tape


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              son Julez Smith sex tape leak

Daniel "Julez" Smith Jr is the son of Solange Knowles and the nephew of Beyoncé. Born in 2004, Julez was raised across America as Solange and her then-husband, Daniel Smith Sr, moved from state to state. However, Julez is less interested in the family business of music and more interested in basketball. “Basketball. That’s my life like that’s all I do, basketball and school,” he told a Texas radio station in 2019.

Julez graduated high school in October 2023, which coincided with his 19th birthday. "Happy Birthday Julez! And happy Graduation! We love you and are so proud of you," his grandmother, Tina Knowles, wrote on Instagram. Furthermore, Julez attended the premiere of Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé with his grandmother. While he stated in the aforementioned radio interview that he would love to play for a collegiate basketball program like UCLA or Texas Tech, his post-high school plans are currently unknown.

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