ben cardin Senate Staffer gay video


         ben cardin Senate Staffer gay video 

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Capitol Police have told the media that they are investigating what took place in the hearing room. Attorney Jonathan Turley, a Fox News legal analyst and George Washington University law professor, speculated on his personal blog that potential criminal charges could include trespass, indecent exposure, or misuse of public property. In the meantime, the incident has elicited a range of mockery and outrage, especially among conservatives on social media.

Recently ousted congressman George Santos responded to Maese-Czeropski’s statement, posting on X: “Having sex in a United States government building and filming it is the reason you got heat. You being gay and having gay sex NO BODY gives a rats ass…”

Responding to reports that the lewd act took place where Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) sits in the hearing room in question—a room that has also hosted the 9/11 commission hearings 20 years ago, former FBI Director James Comey’s historic testimony on Donald Trump in 2017, as well as several confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice nominees, including Sonia Sotomayor and Brett Kavanaugh—Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) posted a photo of cleaning wipes at a grocery store, with the caption “Christmas shopping for Senator Klobuchar.”

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